What is Qigong?

Qigong (pronounced Chee - Gung) is a moving meditation practice that is thousands of years old.

We practice Qigong standing or seated, then through different breathing techniques, gentle flowing movements and stretches you’re gently guided home to the body and the present moment. All of which supports you to:

  • release stress and tension

  • increase your energy

  • soothe your mind and nervous system

  • improve your balance

  • sleep better

  • regulate your emotions and mood

  • connect with your sense of aliveness

Qigong originates from ancient China with roots in Chinese Medicine and Daoism. It is simple and easy to learn and can be done by anyone at any age and fitness level. 

Qigong as a practice helps to move Qi (energy) through the body to improve your wellbeing.


Qigong and Nature

Qigong activates our body's energy system and its innate self-healing capacity. It also flows with nature's seasons and cycles to cultivate energy and bring us into balance with it. 

As we slow down, release tension and connect with the present moment we reconnect with the essence of nature. Allowing ourselves to just be.

From this place of stillness we can expand our awareness of our surroundings and explore how our body and mind interacts with the living world that surrounds us. This creates the perfect foundation to explore our connection to nature.

How Qigong inspired me

My mind was busy with thoughts, my body anxious and full of tension and I was tired. I’d heard of meditation but I found the practice too silent for my busy thoughts. That’s when I discovered Qigong. I found the combination of breath work, movement and focused mental energy allowed me to escape the busyness of my brain.

Over time the more I practiced Qigong, the more I felt my energy and the energy of the world around me. I could manage stress and emotional fluctuations easier and found I was more relaxed. My practice is always evolving, much like the energy of the seasons.

Qigong transformed my life and I fell in love with it as a practice. I began my teacher training journey so that I could share this practice with others and I am looking forward to sharing it with you!


Qigong Qualifications

Fiona teaches Modern Qigong in a yin style, which is a powerful, integrative approach to the ancient practice. It brings together movements from the hundreds of traditional forms into a more accessible style that complements our fast paced lifestyles.

It allows people to experience the benefits of qigong without the thousands of hours of practice that is often required to master a classical form.

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  • 2019 Nicole Lee Modern Qigong Teacher Training Module 1